Light sensitivity and chromium dermatitis

In 25 consecutive cases of Cr contact allergy in humans, 4 parallel serial dilution tests were made and 3 of the test rows were irradiated, 2 with solar-spectrum-like radiation from a 150 W Xe lamp (4/5 MED [minimal effective dose] and 4 MED) and 1 row with long-wave UV radiation (blacklight) alone. Comparing an unirradiated row (control) and the row irradiated with 4/5 MED, the reactions were significantly more intense in 48% of the cases, i.e., the patients reacted at lower Cr concentrations. In a corresponding comparison with 4 MED a significantly more intense reaction was obtained in 36% of the cases, whereas blacklight showed no significant difference compared with the control row. The most intense reactions were obtained in the cases which were anamnestically photosensitive and had low MED values.