Contribution of autolysin to virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae

Insertion-duplication mutagenesis was used to construct an autolysin-negative derivative of Streptococcus pneumoniae. This derivative was obtained by first transforming the nonencapsulated strain Rx1 with a derivative of the vector pVA 891 carrying a 375-base-pair TaqI DNA fragment from the middle of the autolysin structural gene. DNA was extracted from the resultant erythromycin-resistant, autolysin-negative rough pneumococcus and used to transform S. pneumoniae D39, a virulent type 2 strain. Several erythromycin-resistant transformants were obtained from two independent experiments, and none of these transformants produced autolysin. Southern blot analysis confirmed that the autolysin gene in these transformants had been interrputed by the plasmid-derived sequences. The autolysin-negative mutants showed markedly reduced virulence for mice compared with that of strain D39; intranasal and intraperitoneal 50% lethal doses were increased 102- and 105-fold, respectively. Autolysin production was reinstated in one of the mutants by back-transformation with the cloned autolysin gene, with the concomitant loss of erythromycin resistance; the virulence of this isolate for mice was indistinguishable from that of D39. The importance of autolysin in pathogenesis was confirmed by immunization-challenge sutdies. Mice immunized with purified autolysin survived significantly longer than did control mice after intranasal challenge with strain D39. This study provides direct evidence that the pneumococcal autolysin contributes to virulence and identifies it as a potential vaccine antigen.