Effect of Six Vitamins on Ascospore Formation by an Isolate of Bakers' Yeast

Vitamin requirements for growth and sporulation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were compared, using a chemically-controlled presporulation medium and 0.1% sodium acetate solution as sporulation medium. For growth, biotin and panto-thenate were required, although the initial need for the latter was slowly overcome. Cells cultured on the basal medium plus vitamins did not require vitamins in the sporulation medium for sporulation; however, addition of pantothenate, but not biotin, to the latter moderately increased ascus yields. The vitamin content of the presporulation medium largely detd. ascus yields in the sporulation medium, and these yields were low without biotin in the former medium. The concn. of biotin required seemed higher for max. sporulation than for opt. growth. Niacin, thiamin, pyridoxine, and inositol all stimulated sporulation when added to the presporulation medium with biotin and pantothenate, but had relatively little effect on growth. It is noteworthy that, in the absence of inositol, few asci were 4-spored.