Proteolytic stimulation and solubilization of membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase from muscle sarcotubular system

Incubation of membranes derived from sarcotubular system of rabbit skeletal muscle with increasing concentrations of Triton X-100 produced both stimulation of the AChE activity and solubilization of this enzyme. Mild proteolytic treatment of microsomal membranes produced a several fold activation of the still membrane-bound acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Attempts were made to solubilize AChE from microsomal membranes by proteolytic treatment. About 30–40% of the total enzyme activity could be solubilized by means of trypsin or papain. Short trypsin treatment of the microsomal membranes produced first an activation of the membrane-bound enzyme followed by solubilization. Incubation of muscle microsomes for a short time with papain yielded a significant portion of soluble enzyme. Membrane-bound enzyme activation was measured after a prolonged incubation period. These results are compared with those of solubilization obtained by treatment of membranes with progressive concentrations of Triton X-100. The occurrence of molecular forms in protease-solubilized AChE was investigated by means of centrifugation analysis and slab gel electrophoresis. Centrifugation on sucrose gradients revealed two main components of 4.4S and 10–11S in either trypsin or papain-solubilized AChE. These components behaved as hydrophilic species whereas the Triton solubilized AChE showed an amphipatic character. Application of slab gel electrophoresis showed the occurrence of forms with molecular weights of 350,000; 175,000; 165,000; 85,000 and 76,000. The stimulation of membrane-bound AChE by detergents or proteases would indicate that most of the enzyme molecules or their active sites are sequestered into the lipid bilayer through lipid-protein or protein-protein interactions and these are broken by proteolytic digestion of the muscle microsomes.