Variational Calculation of the Multiplet Spacings in the(3d)2Electron Configurations

The effect of spatial correlation of the two valence electrons on the multiplet spacings has been investigated for atoms with the (1s)2(2s)2(2p)6(3s)2(3p)6(3d)2 ground configuration. The atom is taken as a two-electron system with each electron moving in a Hartree-Fock effective potential. The zeroth-order wave function is taken to be a Clebsch-Gordan combination of products of one-electron Hartree-Fock orbitals. A variational function of the form 1+cr12+c(r1r2)2 is inserted into this wave function for each of the multiplet members, and c and c are determined by the variational method. When unrestricted Hartree-Fock functions are used as the zeroth-order basis set, good results which are insensitive to c are obtained for the multiplet spacings. The G1F3 spacing is overcorrected by about - 12% compared to +23% without correlation, while the D1F3 spacing is overcorrected by - 3% compared to +34% without correlation.