University of New South Wales Radiocarbon Dates I

The dates listed were obtained using a stainless steel counter with an active volume of 1.3 L and a background of 16.3 cpm at an absolute filling pressure of 152 cm Hg. The present proportional counter in use is made of O.F.H.C. copper, and has an active volume of 1.25 L and a background of 5.2 cpm, at an absolute counter filling pressure of 152 cm Hg. CO2 is used as the counting gas and the counter is filled to a pressure of between 76 cm and 228 cm of Hg (depending on the sample size) at a temperature of 23 ± 0.3°C. The counter is shielded, starting from the top, by 5 cm of lead and 26 cm of iron, and is surrounded by an array of 22 Geiger tubes, and then finally by 2.5 cm of mercury. The thickness of the sides and base is greater than 10 cm of iron. As yet no neutron shielding is used and this probably accounts for the large fluctuations of background with barometric pressure (0.32 cpm per 1 cm Hg change in the pressure).