In a previous communication (4), the effect of local irradiation and chemotherapy on the vascularity of a lymphosarcoma transplanted into mice was reported. Heidelberger and his co-workers (1) studied the effect of 5-fluorouracil and irradiation therapy individually and in combination on a transplanted mouse mammary adenocarcinoma and a pleomorphic sarcoma, as did Vermund et al. (5). These investigators demonstrated the value of combined tumor therapy. The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the effects on the vascularity of a transplanted mammary adenocarcinoma and a pleomorphic sarcoma by external irradiation and by a chemotherapeutic agent, 5-fluorouracil.2 Materials and Method Two hundred and two C3H/HeJ mice obtained from Jackson Memorial Laboratory were transplanted with a mammary adenocarcinoma (C3HBA). They were divided into 3 groups: 85 animals served as controls with untreated tumors, 60 received external irradiation to the tumor, and 57 received 5-fluorouracil. One hundred and fift...