Structure and width of Au-adsorbed narrow Si(111) terraces

The structure and width of Au-adsorbed narrow terraces on a vicinal Si(111) surface misoriented toward the [1¯1¯2] direction are studied by scanning tunneling microscopy. We find that, at a coverage of 0.15 ML, narrow Au-adsorbed bunched steps are separated by wide 7×7 terraces. The Au-adsorbed terraces are classified into three types according to the structures on the neighboring terraces. Where the Au-adsorbed terrace is next to the 7×7 terrace, the boundary facing the 7×7 terrace has a characteristic structure depending on whether it faces the faulted or the unfaulted halves. On the other hand, where the Au-adsorbed structure is sandwiched by the other Au-adsorbed terraces, the width of the Au-adsorbed terrace along the [1¯1¯2] direction can be expressed by (5N+5+2/3)3/2, where the length is represented in units of the lattice constant of the 1×1 surface, and the N is the number of the 5×2 unit cells along the [1¯1¯2] direction. For N=0, the terrace width is equal to that of a (755) facet. On this terrace, 5×2 reconstruction cannot be observed although the size of the terrace is sufficient to form 5×2 reconstruction. We propose a model for the boundaries between the 7×7 terrace and the Au adsorbed structure on the narrow (111) terraces.