The Beneficial Influence of Prior Knowledge on the Quantitation of In Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Signals

This work concerns quantitation of in vivo magnetic resonance spectroscopy signals and the influence of prior knowledge on the precision of parameter estimates. The authors point out how prior knowledge can be used for experiments. The Cramér-Rao lower bounds formulae of the noise-related standard deviations on spectral parameters for doublets and triplets were derived. Chemical prior knowledge of the multiplet structures was used. The benefit of chemical prior knowledge was estimated for doublet and triplet structures of arbitrary shape. Then, it was used to quantify in vivo 31P time-series signals of rat brain. Analytic expressions of errors on parameter estimates were derived, enabling prediction of the benefit of prior knowledge on quantitation results. These formulae allow us to state, for a given noise level, if the quantitation of strongly overlapping peaks such as adenosine triphosphate multiplets can be performed successfully.