Motivation: Multi-domain proteins have evolved by insertions or deletions of distinct protein domains. Tracing the history of a certain domain combination can be important for functional annotation of multi-domain proteins, and for understanding the function of individual domains. In order to analyze the evolutionary history of the domains in modular proteins it is desirable to inspect a phylogenetic tree based on sequence divergence with the modular architecture of the sequences superimposed on the tree. Result: A Java applet, NIFAS, that integrates graphical domain schematics for each sequence in an evolutionary tree was developed. NIFAS retrieves domain information from the Pfam database and uses CLUSTAL W to calculate a tree for a given Pfam domain. The tree can be displayed with symbolic bootstrap values, and to allow the user to focus on a part of the tree, the layout can be altered by swapping nodes, changing the outgroup, and showing/collapsing subtrees. NIFAS is integrated with the Pfam database and is accessible over the internet ( As an example, we use NIFAS to analyze the evolution of domains in Protein Kinases C. Contact: