Population of0+States in Actinide andA190Nuclides by the (p,t) Reaction

The (p,t) reaction has been studied for targets of Th230,232, U234,236,238, Pu242,244, Cm248, W182,184,186, and Pt196. Uniformly strong (∼15% of ground-state cross section) transitions were found to populate excited 0+ states in all of the actinide nuclides. The observed 0+ states were previously known for five of the actinide nuclei, and in these cases the states were characterized by small α-decay hindrance factors and large E0 matrix elements. They have been previously classified as β vibrations. The strong excitation of the 0+ states in the (p,t) reactions, combined with all other available evidence, suggests that throughout the actinide mass range these 0+ states represent a stable collective excitation different in character from both the β vibration and the most common formulation of the pair vibration. No such excitations were seen in the W-Pt region.