The Hypocholesterolemic Effects of β-Glucan-Reply

In Reply. —The issues raised by Drs Sacks and Swain have been addressed in the "Results" and "Comment" sections of our article. Our objective was to determine if a dose-response relationship exists for the hypocholesterolemic effects of oat cereals rich in the water soluble fiber β-glucan. We did not isocalorically control for the higher doses of the oat cereals; however, we believe that our study supports an independent hypocholesterolemic effect for β-glucan for several reasons. There was a highly significant relationship (r=.81) between the amount of β-glucan consumed and the reduction in LDL-C levels. If we tested the hypothesis of fat replacement as suggested by Sacks and Swain with our study's data, the correlation coefficient between the dose of oat cereals consumed (28, 56, and 84 g) and the reduction in LDL-C levels is .63. Therefore, our data support the β-glucan hypothesis more than the substitution hypothesis. In addition, the

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