Modeling the spectral energy distribution of ULIRGs

As a constraint for new starburst/AGN models of IRAS bright galaxies we determine the radio spectra of 31 luminous and ultraluminous IRAS galaxies (LIRGs/ULIRGs). We construct the radio spectra using both new and archival data. From our sample of radio spectra we find that very few have a straight power-law slope. Although some sources show a flattening of the radio spectral slope at high frequencies the average spectrum shows a steepening of the radio spectrum from 1.4 to 22.5 GHz. This is unexpected because in sources with high rates of star formation we expect flat spectrum, free-free emission to make a significant contribution to the radio flux at higher radio frequencies. Despite this trend the radio spectral indices between 8.4 and 22.5 GHz are flatter for sources with higher values of the FIR-radio flux density ratio q, when this is calculated at 8.4 GHz. Therefore, sources that are deficient in radio emission relative to FIR emission (presumably younger sources) have a larger thermal component to their radio emission. However, we find no correlation between the radio spectral index between 1.4 and 4.8 GHz and q at 8.4 GHz. Because the low frequency spectral index is affected by free-free absorption, and this is a function of source size for a given mass of ionized gas, this is evidence that the ionized gas in ULIRGs shows a range of densities. The youngest LIRGs and ULIRGs are characterized by a larger contribution to their high-frequency radio spectra from free-free emission. However, the youngest sources are not those that have the greatest free-free absorption at low radio frequencies. The sources in which the effects of free-free absorption are strongest are instead the most compact sources. Although these have the warmest FIR colours, they are not necessarily the youngest sources.Comment: 16 pages. Submitted to A&A Re-submitted, with aesthetic improvements to the text and figure