Influence of Temperature on Seed Development of Allium cepa L.1

Male-sterile onion lines, M2399A and P54-306A were hand pollinated with pollen from 2 male-fertile lines M611B and P52-371B, in 3 Biotron chambers with maxima temperatures of 24°, 35°, and 43°C, respectively, and a minimum temperature of 18°C. There was no significant effect of temperature on magagmetophyte development. Percent abortion of young seeds was 21, 11, and 66% at 24°, 35°, and 43°, respectively; 35° was more favorable for ovule, seed and ovary growth than 24° and 43°. The endosperm nuclei divided soon after fertilization and continued normally the first 5 days after pollination at all 3 temperatures. Subsequent growth of endosperm nuclei was retarded at 43° and only 1 or 2 seeds per ovary continued to grow at a normal rate. The first embryo division was observed 7 to 8, 5 to 6, and 6 to 7 days after pollination at 24°, 35°, and 43°, respectively.

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