Trophoblast Antigens in Human Seminal Plasma

Secondary recurrent spontaneous ( aborters manifest persistent IgG, which show differential cytotoxicity patterns with lymphocytes from many donors. These are non-HLA-directed antibodies, which react allotypically with both trophoblast and lymphocytes. The antigens they recognize are designated trophoblast-lymphocyte crossreactive (TLX) antigens. Xenogeneic anti-TLX sera were studied with the use of enzyme-linked-immunosorbent (ELISA) and immunochemical assays to determine the TLX status of seminal plasma. The results showed 1) allotypic TLX antigens are present in seminal plasma; 2) seminal plasma TLX antigens may be membrane associated; 3) by immunoblotting, the molecular weights of antigens reactive with TLX antisera are 15, 22, 28, 33 kD and a smear between 180 and 340 kd; 4) by isoelectric focusing, TLX antigens show pI 4.0, 5.35, 5.9, 6.5, 6.8, and 7.2. Allotypic seminal plasma TLX antigens may provide the antigenic stimuli for persistent maternal humoral immunity.