Effects of Phosphor Persistence on Perception and the Control of Eye Movements

When a rapid eye movement (saccade) is made across material displayed on cathode ray tube monitors with short-persistence phosphors, various perceptual phenomena occur. The phenomena do not occur when the monitor has a long-persistence phosphor. These phenomena were observed for certain spatial arrays, their possible physiological basis noted, and their effect on the control of eye movements examined. When the display consisted simply of two dots, and a saccade was made from one to the other, a transient ghost image was seen just beyond the destination target. When the display consisted of vertical lines, tilting and displacement of the lines occurred. The phenomena were more intrusive for the latter display and there was a significant increase in the number of corrective saccades. These results are interpreted in terms of the effects of fluctuating illumination (and hence phosphor persistence) on saccadic suppression.