Mechanical deformation of quartz

Quartz crystals obtained from three different sources have been strained in air a t atmospheric pressure, using compression rates of 10−3 to 10−5 sec−1. Of the three kinds of quartz tested, only the synthetic sample containing the highest amount of hydrogen-bonded OH groups (163 p.p.m.) was found to yield plastically, and then only at temperatures above 550°c. The deformation behaviour of this crystal changes over the different temperature ranges of < 700°c, 700°c-850°c, and >850°c respectively, coinciding with crystal phase chauges. Above 850°c, cristobalite and sometimes coesite phases appear and give rise to precipitation hardening. The orientation and temperature dependence of yield, and stress-strain relationships as a function of temperature are reported. Mechanisms to account for the ‘water-induced’ plasticity are also discussed.

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