The use of the ruby laser automatic, in situ spray drop size and frequency analyzer has permitted a much more detailed, rapid and reproducible study of spray drop atomization than hitherto possible. With the advent of these machines and their use in pesticide spray studies, it is now possible to enumerate specific size and size range for the many different atomizers, fan, cone, jet hydraulic pressure types and rotary screen devices used for pesticide spraying. A given atomizer will respond to formulation changes as these affect surface tension, viscosity and density and will produce drop size in relation to these physical properties. As a result of several years collection of field drift-loss data we have put together a model program which utilizes the drop size information as noted, combines this with weather factors and operational parameters of the spray aircraft to enable prediction of amounts of pesticide to be expected as fallout and airborne portion at specified distances downwind. This information will be of significant value to pesticide manufacturers, users and to registration and regulatory agencies charged with safe use of pesticide chemicals.