Production of disomic wheat-barley chromosome addition lines usingHordeum bulbosumcrosses

SUMMARY: The possibility of usingHordeum bulbosumCrosses to facilitate production of disomic wheat–barley addition lines from monosomic additions was investigated. Aneuhaploids with 22 chromosomes were obtained in the expected gametic frequencies after crossing monosomic, disomio and monotelo-disomic addition lines, involving four different barley chromosomes, as the female parent with tetraploidH. bulbosum. Thus the added barley chromosomes were not eliminated when preferential elimination of thebulbosumchromosomes took place in the hybrid embryos. Disomic addition lines were obtained after treating the aneuhaploids with colchicine. This method could have wider application in the production of other wheat–alien chromosome disomic addition lines, especially where the transmission frequency of the alien chromosome through the pollen is very low, but its use will depend on the wheat parent being crossarle withH. bulbosumand the alien chromosome being retained during the elimination ofbulbosumchromosomes.