Dosimetric Properties of CaF2

The general dosimetric properties of CaF2:Dy (TLD-200) have been investigated. Studies were carried out in 8 different batches. This work reports on the last five batches which showed quite uniform characteristics. The glow curve structure and peak temperatures are given. The TL response was studied up to 106 R. The relative heights of the peaks in the glow curve change with the exposure level and radiation quality. The TL-emission spectrum has peaks at 4600 A, 4835 A, and 5765 A. Depending on the readout system TLD-200 was found to be 15 to 30 times more sensitive than TLD-100 on an integrated TL basis. Some annealing characteristics are given and the stability is discussed. TLD-200 shows energy dependence, which was studied from 20 keV effective to 1250 keV effective.