Transport of Axonal Enzymes in Surviving Segments of Frog Sciatic Nerve

Redistribution of axonal enzymes as a function of time in vitro was studied in an unbranched segment of frog sciatic nerve. Cholinesterase activity moved peripherally at a rate of 99 mm/day and centrally at 19 mm/day. One-quarter of the total nerve content of the enzyme was estimated to be in motion, one-eighth in each direction. Mitochondrial enzymes (hexokinase and glutamic dehydrogenase) moved peripherally at 20-31 mm/day, centrally at 11-20 mm/day. Only 10% of the total content of these mitochondrial enzymes was in motion. No movement of choline acetylase or 6-phosphogluconic dehydrogenase activity was seen even after 4 days in vitro. However, in a 12 day in vivo experiment choline acetylase moved toward the periphery at a rate of 0.34 mm/day. After a day or so in vitro the distal accumulations of cholinesterase and glutamic dehydrogenase decreased, with a concomitant and quantitatively equivalent increase in enzyme activities at the proximal end of the nerve. It is postulated that during incubation a mechanism for reversing the direction of flow develops in the peripheral stump of the nerve. Vinblastine inhibited central and peripheral flow of both cholinesterase and glutamic dehydrogenase. Movement of cholinesterase was not affected by ouabain, thalidomide, or phenobarbital, nor by K(+) excess (110 mM) or absence.