An Agglutination Test for Bovine Q Fever Performed on Milk Samples

Summary: A method of testing bovine milk samples for antibody against Coxiella burnetii by the capillary tube agglutination technic is described. The results obtained are compared with results of capillary tests performed on serums from the same cows. Nonspecific reactions did not occur in tests performed on milk from normal cows or from cows infected with other disease agents. A high degree of reproducibility of screen and titration results was obtained with the test. Sensitivity of the milk test for detecting the presence and amount of antibody in cows is equal to that of the capillary test performed on serums. The capillary milk test is as reliable as that with serum, and the complement-fixation test, for detecting cows that are infected and shedding the agent in their milk. Preliminary data suggests the desirability of additional testing of pooled milk of entire herds to evaluate the usefulness of the test for the rapid detection of herds containing infected animals.

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