Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a potent tool that is especially valuable in interpreting the three-dimensional relationships of cells within tissues. This type of information is obtainable from thin sections in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) only by reconstructions of serial sections. The arrangement of the interstitial cells of the testis in relation to the capillaries and lymphatic channels, in particular, is easier to visualize in SEM than in TEM. Cytoplasmic constituents, as well as cell surface modifications, are demonstrable by this technique. The presence of droplets, presumably lipid droplets, both within and on the Leydig cells and the lymphatic endothelial cells, is quite evident. Other cytoplasmic structures are also apparent. For example, the possible functional significance of “openings” that are seen by SEM on the septa that surround lipid droplets is discussed relative to the appearance of the same area as seen in thin sections or in freeze-fracture replicas. SEM should become a very useful method for studying cytological and morphological alterations that occur in testicular tissue that is subjected to physical or chemical manipulation.