Intravenous Nitroglycerin to Relieve Intrapartum Fetal Distress Related to Uterine Hyperactivity

Stration, left lateral decubitus, and discontinuation of any ongoing oxytocin infusion (62%) had failed to resolve the fetal heart rate abnormality. A second dose (60 or 90 micro g) was used 2-3 min later as required. NTG was completely effective in 22 cases (fetal distress resolution within 4-5 min with restoration of normal uterine activity) and partially but sufficiently effective in the remaining 2 cases (fetal distress resolution within 4-5 min with residual mild uterine hyperactivity). However, a second dose was required for nine parturients (38%). Six parturients (25%) developed hypotension 2 min after the first NTG injection, with a mean nadir of 93.2 mm Hg (minimum 85 mm Hg). Hypotension was always rapidly reversed with a small single dose of ephedrine (4.5-6 mg). In conclusion, we found small doses (60-180 micro g) of IV NTG to be associated with resolution of severe fetal distress related to uterine hyperactivity along with negligible side effects. (Anesth Analg 1997;84:1117-20)...

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