Altered Precision Grasping in Stumptail Macaques after Fasciculus Cuneatus Lesions

Patterns of precision grasp are described in stumptail macaques (Macaca arctoides) before and after lesions of the fasciculus cuneatus (FC). Three monkeys were videotaped while reaching for and grasping small food items. From these videotapes, records were made of the style and outcome of each grasp. Kinematic measurements were also made to describe grip formation and terminal grasp. During grip formation, grip aperture was measured as the distance between the tips of the index finger and the thumb. For terminal grasp, the joint angles of the index finger were measured. The majority of grasps by normal monkeys were of the precision type, in which the item was carried between the tips of the index finger and thumb. Each normal monkey approached objects with a highly consistent grip formation; that is, the fingertips formed a small grip aperture during the approach, and the aperture varied little on repeated grasps. To grasp an item, the forefinger moved in a multiarticular pattern, in which the proximal joint flexed and the distal joint extended. As a result of this combination of movements, the forefinger pad was placed directly onto the object. Following FC transection, the monkeys were studied for 10 months, beginning 1 month after the lesion, to allow for recovery from the acute effects of surgery. The monkeys could grasp the food items, but they rarely opposed the fingertips in precision grasp. Grip formation was altered and was characterized either by excessive grip aperture or by little to no finger opening. All of the monkeys used the table surface to help grasp items. Combined multiarticular patterns of flexion and extension were never observed postoperatively; they were replaced by flexion at all joints of the fingers. These results suggest that the FCs are more important for precision grasping than for other, less refined grasp forms (e.g., power grasps; Napier, 1956). The FCs provide critical proprioceptive feedback to cerebral areas involved in the planning and/or the execution of these movements.