Single-crystal, optical interference filters and integrated high reflector/photodiode using multilayers of GaP and GaAsxP1−x

Using metalorganic chemical vapor deposition, we have produced single‐crystal optical interference filters (high reflectors and antireflectors) with alternating quarter‐wave thick layers (in the range 300–600 Å) of GaP and GaAsxP1−x. We have measured reflectance values from 0.08 to 0.90 at selected wavelengths from 460 to 750 nm. These filters have the unique feature that their design wavelength can be shorter than that corresponding to the energy band gap of the multilayer. In addition, we have produced an integrated optical detector in which a photodiode and an electrically active high reflector were grown sequentially in a single growth run. The spectral characteristics of the filters and integrated detector are reported here.