The Inner Structure of LCDM Halos II: Halo Mass Profiles and LSB Rotation Curves

We use a set of high-resolution cosmological N-body simulations to investigate the inner mass profile of galaxy-sized cold dark matter (CDM) halos. These simulations extend the thorough numerical convergence study presented in Paper I of this series (Power et al. 2003), and demonstrate that the mass profile of CDM halos can be robustly estimated beyond a minimum converged radius of order r_conv ~ 1 kpc/h in our highest resolution runs. The density profiles of simulated halos become progressively shallow from the virial radius inwards, and show no sign of approaching a well-defined power-law behaviour near the centre. At r_conv, the logarithmic slope of the density profile is steeper than the asymptotic \rho \propto r^-1 expected from the formula proposed by Navarro, Frenk, and White (1996), but significantly shallower than the steeply divergent \rho \propto r^-1.5 cusp proposed by Moore et al. (1999). We perform a direct comparison of the spherically-averaged dark matter circular velocity (V_c) profiles with rotation curves of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies from the samples of de Blok et al. (2001), de Blok and Bosma (2002), and Swaters et al. (2003). Most (about two-thirds) LSB galaxies in this dataset are roughly consistent with CDM halo V_c profiles. However, about one third of LSBs in these samples feature a sharp transition between the rising and flat part of the rotation curve that is not seen in the V_c profiles of CDM halos. This discrepancy has been interpreted as excluding the presence of cusps, but we argue that it might simply reflect the difference between circular velocity and gas rotation speed likely to arise in gaseous disks embedded within realistic, triaxial CDM halos.

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