Antibody Response in Rabbits to Mycobacterium bovis BCG

The specificity of the immune response after immunization with Mycobacterimn bovis BCG was studied by crossed immunoelectrophoresis with intermediate gel in a BCG/anti‐BCG system, in which the reaction against thirty distinct components of BCG was recorded. After a single injection of total sonicate of 3 mg (dry weight) bacilli, the antibody response was markedly similar in eight rabbits. The earliest and strongest response was directed against nine components of BCG; all but one of these belonged to the group of thirteen components that cross‐react extensively with other mycobacteria. After repeated immunization with sonicate from about 0.8 μg of BCG bacilli, five components still induced a marked antibody response. All but one of these components are among the most widely cross‐reacting BCG components, and the observations made after subsequent challenge with the higher dose of BCG indicate that low‐zone tolerance was induced against other components of the bacilli. The implication of these findings concerning formation of anti‐mycobacterial antibodies in normal individuals and during mycobacterial infection is discussed.