LV. The optical and electrical properties of single crystals of sodium niobate

The optical strains and dielectric constants of small single crystals of sodium niobate have been measured over the temperature range -190°c to +650°c. At room temperature the properties are consistent with an antiferroelectric structure, and for high fields applied perpendicular to the orthorhombic c axis, double hysteresis curves have been observed. At low temperature there is evidence of ferroelectric properties for fields applied parallel to the c axis. In the most perfect crystals the Curie temperature is below -209°c, but the ferroelectric phase may be induced by a high electric field. There is a long thermal hysteresis on this change and once transformed the crystals remain ferroelectric to -55°c. Above 350°c the symmetry is only pseudo-tetragonal, truly orthorhombic, and two minor structure changes, at 470°c and 518°c are observed, before the structure becomes cubic at 638°c.