Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) provides a statistical estimate of a symmetric, second-order diffusion tensor of water, D, in each voxel within an imaging volume. We propose a new normal distribution, p(D) /spl prop/ exp(-1/2 D : A : D), which describes the variability of D in an ideal DT-MRI experiment. The scalar invariant, D : A : D, is the contraction of a positive definite symmetric, fourth-order precision tensor, A, and D. A correspondence is established between D : A : D and the elastic strain energy density function in continuum mechanics-specifically between D and the second-order infinitesimal strain tensor, and between A and the fourth-order tensor of elastic coefficients. We show that A can be further classified according to different classical elastic symmetries (i.e., isotropy, transverse isotropy, orthotropy, planar symmetry, and anisotropy). When A is an isotropic fourth-order tensor, we derive an explicit analytic expression for p(D), and for the distribution of the three eigenvalues of D, p(/spl gamma//sub 1/, /spl gamma//sub 2/, /spl gamma//sub 3/), which are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations. We show how A can be estimated from either real or synthetic DT-MRI data for any given experimental design. Here we propose a new criterion for an optimal experimental design: that A be an isotropic fourth-order tensor. This condition ensures that the statistical properties of D (and quantities derived from it) are rotationally invariant. We also investigate the degree of isotropy of several DT-MRI experimental designs. Finally, we show that the univariate and multivariate distributions are special cases of the more general tensor-variate normal distribution, and suggest how to generalize p(D) to treat normal random tensor variables that are of third- (or higher) order. We expect that this new distribution, p(D), should be useful in feature extraction; in developing a hypothesis testing framework for segmenting and classifying noisy, discrete tensor data; and in designing experiments to measure tensor quantities.