Measurement of the mass and full width of theηcmeson

In a sample of 7.8 million J/ψ decays collected in the Beijing Spectrometer, the process J/ψγηc is observed for five different ηc decay channels: K+Kπ+π, π+ππ+π, K±KS0π (with KS0π+π), φφ (with φK+K) and K+Kπ0. From these signals, we determine the mass of ηc to be 2976.6±2.9±1.3 MeV. Combining this result with a previously reported result from a similar study using ψ(2S)γηc detected in the same spectrometer gives mηc=2976.3±2.3±1.2 MeV. For the combined samples, we obtain Γηc=11.0±8.1±4.1 MeV.
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