Cortical glucose metabolism in parkinson's and alzheimer's disease

Characteristic regional patterns of decreased cerebral glucose metabolism (rCMRG) have been described in a variety of neurodegenerative conditions associated with dementia. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the metabolic pattern in Parkinson's disease is altered by the presence of impaired cognitive function. Glucose metabolism was measured with positron emission tomography in 6 patients with Parkinson's disease and dementia (PDD), 8 patients with Parkinson's disease and normal cognition (PD), and 6 patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). All AD patients subsequently had the diagnosis proven neuropathologically at autopsy. Correlation coefficients of the metabolic rates across 32 regions of interest were calculated between each pair of patients. Q‐component analysis of the correlation matrix showed that the AD and PD groups formed two distinct clusters and that the PDD group had a metabolic pattern which was similar to that of the AD group. Comparison of standardized rCMRG values showed that the PDD group differed from the PD group in having significantly lower relative rCMRG in the left perirolandic and bilateral angular gyrus regions. There were no significant differences between the PDD and AD groups. These results suggest a similar pattern of cortical dysfunction in both Alzheimer's disease and in Parkinson's disease/dementia.