Morphology of cerebral lesions in children with congenital hemiplegia

This study has analysed the results of CT scans of the brains in children with congenital hemiplegia. The material consists of 111 out of a total of 151 children with this cerebral palsy syndrome in a population-based series. We have classified the morphological findings in five groups. The groups are designed to reflect the phase of maturation of the brain when the insult happened. The groups are: 1. Maldevelopment, 2. Periventricular atrophy, 3. Cortical-/subcortical atrophy, 4. Miscellaneous, 5. Normal. In contrast to previous reports we found a high proportion (17%) with maldevelopment. However the dominating morphological pattern was periventricular atrophy, consistent with a hypoxic-ischemic insult to the immature brain, seen in 42%. Cortical and/or subcortical atrophy was found in 12%. Three children (3%) presented with morphological patterns not possible to classify. The group with no pathology according to CT was 26%.