Repair of Ventricular Septal Rupture Through the Right Atrium

The right atrial approach for repair of ventricular septal rupture associated with myocardial infarction is an alternative technique to the conventional approach of exposing the septum through the left ventricle. This technique may be combined with mitral valve replacement, infarct excision, or aneurysm resection, by avoiding a direct incision in the ventricle reduce postrepair bleeding and impairment of ventricular contractile function. We present a case of ventricular septal rupture repaired through the right atrium and review our surgical technique. This technique may be applied to most cases of ventricular septal rupture, and is particularly useful when the ventricular wall is not infarcted or aneurysmal, and the defect involves the central portion of the muscular septum, the inlet septum, and the subaortic and membranous area.