Analytic Study of Pulse Chirping in Self-Induced Transparency

We analyze the phase modulation, or chirping, of coherent lossless light pulses propagating without distortion through resonant absorbers. In order to do this, we generalize the pioneering work of McCall and Hahn in two different directions. In the first place, of course, we abandon their assumption that the phase of the pulses has no temporal dependence. We prove that for slowly varying single pulses, chirping is not possible. However, we describe many multiple-pulse trains which are necessarily chirped, even under the slowly varying envelope restriction, and also describe the envelope modulations which produce large chirps. We show that certain zero-π chirped pulse trains are contained as special cases of our general results. Our second generalization of the McCall-Hahn work concerns the background material in which the two-level resonant atoms are suspended. We allow the host medium to possess significant nonresonant nonlinearities. We find that undistorted lossless single pulses are possible in such a medium and that they are necessarily chirped.