ΔS=±1Magnetic Multipole Radiative Transitions

The magnetic multipole transition probability is calculated in terms of the matrix elements of the magnetic multipole. The magnetic jm moment Qjm(mg) is defined as (eμ)[4π(2j+1)]12Σi(rijYjm)[(j+1)1li+si], where e and μ are electron charge and electron mass, ri, li, and si are the coordinate, orbital angular momentum, and spin-angular momentum of the ith electron and Yjm is the spherical harmonic. Magnetic quadrupole and octupole moments are explicitly given. It is shown that for the Σu3+Σg1+ transition of the hydrogen molecule, the magnetic quadrupole transition is more important than the conventional spin-orbit electric dipole transition. The magnetic octupole transition has the same order of magnitude as the spin-orbit magnetic dipole transition.