In a recent paper, Salzer1records some observations and experiments with reference to trichinosis. Among other things he reports successful results with serum therapy and states emphatically that the injection of immune serum has both a prophylactic and a curative value. Briefly stated, Salzer's claims with respect to "immune serum" are as follows: Animals fed with infected meat later than twentyfour hours after the administration of serum from a convalescent animal prove to be immune. Infected meat mixed with immune serum does not produce trichinosis in animals to which it is fed. Immune serum injected into animals suffering with the disease produces a curative effect. The first two statements are fairly clear and easily subject to experimental verification. The last statement is obscure. One might suppose a curative action would involve destruction of the parasite. The author, however, does not indicate that the parasite itself is destroyed, and rather

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