Intravenous lisuride corrects oscillations of motor performance in Parkinson's disease

Seventeen lisuride infusions were given to 12 patients with Parkinson's disease who showed daily oscillations in motor performance. The mean lisuride dose given in continuous intravenous infusion was 0.59 mg (range, 0.3 to 1.0 mg) during a mean period of 9.0 hours (range, 5 to 12 hours). A significant reduction in the number of hours “off” was obtained in all patients. Additional oral levodopa was necessary to maintain normal mobility throughout the infusions. Severe hypotension occurred in 2 patients which required termination of the infusions. Five patients experienced nausea, sweating, and malaise but this did not necessitate interruption of the infusions. Lisuride appears to be one of the best available dopamine agonists for continuous dopaminergic stimulation.