Peroxisomal enzyme activities in regenerating liver of rats

The activities of five peroxisomal enzymes (fatty acyl-CoA oxidase, FAO; uricase, U; L-hydroxyacid oxidase, LHAO; D-aminoacid oxidase, DAO; and catalase, C and the triglyceride content were determined in the regenerating liver of rats after partial hepatectomy. The FAO activity was significantly increased on day 3. Thus, its rise followed the increase of the triglyceride content and preceded the disappearance of steatosis. For U and LHAO a similar progressive increase in activities was obtained on days 3,5, and 7 of regeneration. DAO exhibited a highly significant increase on day 1. C increased on day 1 and then again after day 3. It is concluded that peroxisomal functions are not restored at parallel rates during liver regeneration.