Rats of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands

The following information on rats was recorded during the summer of 1950 as part of a study I made on land vertebrates of Arno Atoll, Marshall Islands while a member of a party sent by the Pacific Science Board of the National Research Council, supported by the Office of Naval Research, to study the ecology of a typical low coral atoll. Most of the observations are of undisturbed rats; others were flushed from hiding places, and a few were collected: 17 Polynesian rats, Rattus exulans (of which eight are preserved at the U. S. National Museum), and two black rats, R. rattus (both at the museum). I am grateful to David H. Johnson of that museum for confirming the identifications of these specimens, to Lee Douglas for examining the tapeworms, and to Lois Taylor for care of the preserved helminths and caecal protozoa. The Arnoese...

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