Physicochemical Properties of Polyaniline Base and Salt Films

Polyaniline base and perchlorate salt films cast from N-methylpyr-rolidinone (NMP) solutions are studied using thermogravimetric analysis, infrared and ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Both types of films retain a substantial amount of solvent. Although most of the solvent can be removed by washing the films with deionized water, some C1O 4 anions are removed from the salt films as well, resulting in a decrease in conductivity. In the salt films, protonation of the amine units in addition to the imine units can be readily achieved using HC1O4. Structural modifications of the base films are apparent after one reprotonation/deprotonation cycle. These result in a decrease in the solubility of the film, the extent of which increases with the protonation level. Although NMP is a useful solvent for casting polyaniline salt and base films, both leucoemeraldine and perchloric acid protonated salt undergo degradation in this solvent.