Interlaboratory Evaluation of the Local Lymph Node Assay with 25 Chemicals and Comparison with Guinea Pig Test Data

Summary: The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) has been developed as an alternative method for the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. Measurement is made of the proliferation of lymphocytes within lymph nodes draining the site of exposure to the test chemical. This report describes a collaborative study in which 25 test chemicals were evaluated in each of four participating laboratories and the results compared with existing data from guinea pig predictive tests. Nineteen chemicals were predicted to be sensitizers in the guinea pig. Of these, 14 were correctly identified in the LLNA (9 by all laboratories and 5 by two or three laboratories). Five chemicals predicted to be contact allergens by guinea pig tests failed to elicit positive LLNA responses. With adoption of a 5 day rather than a 4 day exposure period to the test chemical and administration of maximum soluble test concentrations, positive reactions could be obtained with each of the chemicals initially negative in the LLNA. The LLNA and guinea pig tests were in agreement for all three chemicals predicted to be nonsensitizers in the guinea pig. Positive LLNA responses were obtained with four chemicals (including a re-evaluation of one initially negative in the LLNA) for which guinea pig results were equivocal in three cases and negative in another. These results suggest that the LLNA may provide a rapid and reliable elective prescreen for the identification of contact allergens.

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