SINCE Fordyce,1in 1896, first described a case of "angiokeratoma of the scrotum," a state of confusion has existed in the classification and the nomenclature of this dermatosis. The confusion in nomenclature between angiokeratoma of the scrotum (Fordyce) and angiokeratoma (Mibelli2) was first recognized and discussed by Hudelo3and later by Wile and Belote.4Hudelo, in 1925, was the first investigator to stress the fact that a definite differentiation must be made between Mibelli's angiokeratoma, occurring on the extensor surfaces of the extremities associated with a history of pernio, and Fordyce's angiokeratoma or angiomas, occurring on the scrotum in subjects without a history of pernio. Wile and Belote,4in 1928, stated that Fordyce's angiokeratoma was a disease entirely different from true angiokeratoma of Mibelli. These authors also discussed the similarity of the histologic pictures of senile angiomas and angiomas of the scrotum and