Observations on growth increments at moult in a population of freshwater crayfish, Paranephrops planifrons, were made from periodic recaptures of marked animals. The growth increment increased with increasing size of crayfish up to about 20 mm carapace length (65 mm total length) after which a slight decrease was evident. By analysis of the size distributions in samples taken at different times of year it was found that four to five year classes were normally present. Growth of these age components could be followed through consecutive samples. Mean size at leaving the parent in December was 3.5 mm, after one year 11.4–11.8 mm, after two years 18.2–19.3 mm, after three years 22.1–23.8 mm, and after four years 26.7–29.6 mm, all sizes quoted as carapace lengths. After sexual maturity growth in the females was less than in the males. The number of moults completed by each year class was found by relating data on growth increment per moult to growth shown in consecutive quantitative samples. In the first year of life nine moults were completed, in the second year three moults, in the third year two moults, and in the fourth one moult. Independent data on moult frequency recorded from marked crayfish agreed well with these figures.

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