The thermosensing ability of the Trg and Tap chemoreceptors in Escherichia coli was investigated after amplifying these receptors in a host strain lacking all four known chemoreceptors (Tar, Tsr, Trg, and Tap). Cells with an increased amount of either Trg or Tap showed mostly smooth swimming and no response to thermal stimuli. However, when the smooth-swimming bias of the cells was reduced by adding Trg- or Tap-mediated repellents, the cells showed clear changes in the swimming pattern upon temperature changes; Trg-containing cells showed tumbling at 23 degrees C but mostly smooth swimming at 32 degrees C, while Tap-containing cells showed smooth swimming at 20 degrees C but tumbling at 32 degrees C. These results indicate that although both Trg and Tap have the ability to sense thermal stimuli, Trg functions as a warm receptor, as reported previously for Tar and Tsr, while Tap functions as a cold receptor.