Quality of Life in Quadriplegic Adults: A Focus Group Study

This article describes a study whose purpose was to provide additional information about the components of quality of life for quadriplegic individuals. A focus group technique was used to determine subjects' opinions about what constitutes an acceptable quality of life. Three focus groups with a total of 14 subjects met to discuss the topic. Transcripts of the interviews were analyzed to determine themes and to identify components of quality of life for these individuals. Findings indicate that the factors influencing quality of life for quadriplegics include inner strength/survival, finances, relationships, job/productivity, health, level of activity, assertiveness, and independence/dependence. These findings will provide health professionals and policymakers with information about what factors quadriplegics consider important to maintaining an acceptable quality of life. This knowledge is necessary for public policy development, resource allocation, and interventions that will enhance the quality of life for people affected by quadriplegia.