Differences in expression of SPan‐1 and CA15‐3 antigens in blood and tissues

Pancreatic and mammary cancer cells are reported to have different oligosaccharides on the same apomucin, the MUCI gene product. A better understanding of the tissue specificity of these sugar structures may help in identifying the source of mucins when they are found in the sera. Serum levels of 3 pancreatic-cancer-associated carbohydrate epitopes identified by monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) SPan-1, 19-9 and DU-PAN-2, were compared to those of CA15-3 in a variety of malignant conditions. CA15-3 identifies both carbohydrate and peptide determinants associated with the MUCI apomucin in breast tissues. SPan-1 antigen was elevated in a high percentage of patients with pancreatic, gastric and colorectal cancer but in only a few of the patients with malignancies of non-G1 origin such as breast, ovary and lung. The 19-9 and DU-PAN-2 antigens had a similar pattern of much greater sensitivity for pancreatic cancer than for these non-gastrointestinal cancers. The levels of these 3 markers showed significant correlations in pancreatic cancer. In contrast, CA15-3 was elevated in a large number of patients with breast, lung, ovarian and pancreatic cancers. There was no correlation of CA15-3 with the 3 other markers in pancreatic cancer. SPan-1 and DF3/115D8 antigens in blood have different mobilities in SDS-PAGE and buoyant densities. Moreover, SPan-1 and DF3 antigenic determinants are localized in different regions of the same normal and malignant pancreas and breast tissues. Thus the SPan-1 determinant can be dissociated from the breast peptide and/or carbohydrate determinants.