A considerable number of cases of folie à deux have been reported since Lasègue and Falret first described this condition in 1877. This case is considered to be worth reporting and of special interest since, after an illness of more than twenty-five years, remission occurred in the psychosis of the submissive one of the pair after the death of the one who had been the dominant personality. Remission from a psychosis of more than twenty-five years' standing is rather spectacular! REPORT OF CASE History. —M. O., the mother, active factor, and L. O., the daughter, the passive factor, were admitted together to the Columbus State Hospital on Sept. 11, 1911. Little is known of their early history. The mother was 56 at the time of admission, and the daughter, 23. They were sent to the hospital on the complaint of practically all their neighbors. A sister of the mother was