Haematological Values in Healthy Full-Term Nigerian Newborn Infants

A study of haematological levels (haematocrits, reticulocyte and white cell counts) in healthy singleton full-term Nigerian neonates has shown significantly lower values than those of some previous reports but similar to others. The mean haematocrit of 60.8% on the 1st day dropped quite rapidly to 39.3% by the 4th week of birth. The mean reticulocyte count ranged from 3.8 to 1.9% on the 1st and 5th postnatal days, respectively. Adult level of less than 1 % was reached on the 6th day. Mean leucocyte count on the 1st day for males (12,400/mm3) was significantly lower than that for females (15,860/mm3). The mean total white cell count stabilized by the 3rd day at approximately 9,000/mm3 and showed no significant differences between the sexes beyond the 1st day values. The polymorphonuclear leucocytes and lymphocytes formed 61 and 36%, respectively, on the 1st day but by the 3rd day the lymphocytes were the predominant white cells.

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