Studies in the biochemistry of micro-organisms

The stable end-products of metabolism are mycophenolic acid (C17H20O6, I), 3:5-dihydroxy-2-carboxybenzoyl methyl ketone (C10H8Os6 H2O, II) and 3:5-dihydroxyphthalic acid (C8H6O6, III), the yield of III being much smaller than the yields of I and II. All increase continuously both during and subsequent to the utilization of the glucose supplied, but I, unlike II and III, is formed in relatively large amount in the very early stages of metabolism. 3:5-Dihydroxy-2-carboxyphenylacetylcarbinol (C10H10 O6, IV) is definitely an intermediate product of metabolism and is probably further oxidised to II. 3:5-Dihydroxy-2-carboxybenzyl methyl ketone (C10H10O5, V) is present in small amount in the early stages of metabolism. It is considered improbable that II, III, IV and V arise by the oxidation of mycophenolic acid (I, also a derivative of resorcinol) by the mould.

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